Wednesday, December 31, 2008

its the Year 2000andGR8

yes its been the Year 2000andGR8

i give Every Year a Name
and this Year Has lived up to My expectations


OK let me tell you why:

i have been in four country's:
1. South Africa (RSA)
2. Qatar
3. England
4. Scotland

i have been and Live in all 4 Country's Capital's
1. Pretoria
2. Doha
3. London
4. Edinburgh

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the Sun

the SUN Brings LiFe to All

Everything that gets the Light will Change By The Sight
it Brings New Life
it Brings Colour
give HOPE
and makes
people get up Every-Morning all around the world even in a cold dark UK
i can see how this is true

especially if i look at the awesome picture i took a few days ago in Princess gardens just under Princess street looking at the famous Castle in Edinburgh
yes i am Scotland

the photo tells the story Very Good:But Look at the ice and then the Trees that Gets Red By the Sight of the Sun...

Yes The Sun is The Source of LiFe

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What i WiLL Miss from working here...

So today was my Last day at work, meaning today is the Last time this year 2000andGR8 that i am blogging form my Work Laptop at my Work-desk and i have done all The Blogging here!But this is not any last day This is more My Finale DAY at This Work!
Yes this Work that started out as 2weeks is now ending after a year and it is:DONE OVER KLA
Most of my Day's this year has been spenting here between these wall's From Block A to B and to D and Filled with these people That has become my Friends
All the Emotion's far being in Love to Mad that i had to cry was spent here this year.From the first summer rain in October to the first leaves's fulling down in Autum(April) to the first Leaves's growing back in Spring(September)and sitting in the Sun in the Winter(only in the RSA)
WOW a year can feel so long and short in the same day it reminds my of the saying of time: Its amazing how time can move both fast and slow
It is as if Time has nothing to measure it against like nothing in time will ever compare to it and there will always only be this one:Time
and for now My Time is up here!

so what will i miss form working here at Golder Associates/Zitholele:

1.Coming to work basically anytime i want to, okay not really but late like after 9 or 10am

2. Setting up my laptop and then checking my mail:Going to gmail and see what is up in the Celeb world and Fashion)and if facebook was not block going on facebook Reading All the Blogs i Love to Read

3. Then eating breakfast and chatting to Nomthi and Alecia

4.Going and saying Hello to Craig,Alet,Olivia and having tea with one of them and chatting up what we did Last night or just chatting

5.Having Lunch with Olivia on the grass out side under the tree's or with Craig

6.Being Crazy/Beautiful with Craig in his going on random road trip's(we liked to pretend it was road trips for holiday and we didn't had to go back to work)
7.The Freedom...the flexce Hours again

8.MAKING People's Days here at work like Making them Laugh!!!Making them feel GOOD about themself!!!

9.Being the Light brighten up people's day at work

10.Driving in my Little Creme Soda Car to work on the N1

11.Walking around and greeting every at work

12.Friday Socials

13.The Internet...just setting and checking stuff out on the Internet while

14.My Awsome own Office after not having an personel office for 8months

15.Wearing kinda what ever i want to
6. Laughting alot everyday with craig....yeah yeah belive me laughting keeps the ponds away
17. Not gaining weight form working hard and Laughting out load

What won't i miss form this work:

1. Hearing these words:"Billable hours"

2. Working until 7 or 8pm

3. Never see the Sunset or just see it kinda through a window

4. Record Keeping....Billable Hours

5. The Work taking over my Life like on Saturdays

6. Hearing my name meaning someone wants me to do work for them(the joy of a inter)

7.The people i don't like here

8. yet to find out(you know when i start a new job i will now what i didn't like Here)

9.Doing a Job that is SO not Me!
10.That Horrible office aka Norht-Korea that i was sharing with Nomthi for 2months

and so after doing Public Participation for the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) Team i still kept my creative side

and on that word: i am out of Here

What i know for sure is: "its Not how you Start out Something in Life nor how you finish it, its what happens in between"
and in between all these Like and DisLike

i Made Memories that Will Last Me a LifeTime

Friday, October 17, 2008

Make a 2 Do List

People All Over the WORLD makes these "list" a 2 DO List, this List Then Tell's them What they Still Need to do for today or for this week or before they Leave(their work or age or even this life)some even make a list on: what kinda Man or Women they want to marry one day...
or like my Friend Christiaan has a list about :"Things To Do before 30"
Yes There is even a movie about it about it Named: "The Bucket List"

i grow up with on older sister that had ALWAYS these "2 do list" against her wall at her desk in her room.She had list for What to buy,When to Learn what During her exams,When to do what.She also Had and Still have a list for her life.The List said she Want to get married on 21,that only happened on 26 and now she has a list on When and How she is planning on Getting here kids.She likes Having these"LIST'S" About EVERYTHING on HER life,she phones my Mamma one's a week and give her The New Download on Her "New List"in anther words: Her New Plan! OK i just had to come and edited this blog because just this weekend my older sister phoned and told my little sister that they will be buying a dog in 3years time,she even gave the type of dog and what the dog name will be and everything!While My Littler sister was informing us yesterday during our traditional late Sunday lunch we ALL just burst out sorry i did not get the type of dog nor this "future"dog's name, but as i know my Sister she sure wrote it some where on a little note or in her book!

Me The Middle Child on the other Hand Has a List that says:MAKE A 2 Do List
Maybe because i know what needs to be done So i know what is standing on that list, that i don't need to write it out
but also because i KNOW and Believe that: Its AMAZING How things Don't Work out so That it Can Work Out and Life happens when you Make Plans, and that you Cant Predict Life!!!
and Yes i am NOT a Task orientated Person...its Bad because i keep on prolonging on things i need to do!,but like the Beautiful Afrikaans expressions say:" Van Uit Stel Kom Af Stel"

What is funny about My Older sister is; that She has not learn Yet that LIFE can not be mark down on a piece of paper in blue ink on what will happen when and how

No Life needs to be Lived out Not on Paper but in Seconds that becomes Minuets and Minutes that become Moments...

i think its great for people to Have List "Things to do before i am ...."
it sets their goal's on black and white and give them something to look forward for and to work towards.

Me on the other hand...Due of course i Also have List's/a check list: of Things and place's and More Things i What To Do!but i am not going to LiMiTED my Life or Opportunities by butting a AGE a Number to it: On What Needs to Happen When

NO WAY! i am going to Limited The Story of My Life!!!

and so it went that after Friday night i was able to take down to ticks on My unwritten List

Friday, October 10, 2008

To that Much Knowledge that YOU Have

People Can and Will and Only Do ACT To That Much KNOWLEDGE That They Have!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To Get HeR

so the other day my Craig was telling me:
That when he was little back in Primary School,when the Teacher were teaching them how to spell TOGETHER she said/explain it as : TO GET HER..."so you write to get her,together it spells:TOGETHER"

i thought wow;how cleaver of His Teacher i wished my Teacher back in St.2(gr.4)was teaching me these "sweet" associates with "big" words, you know something to always make a connection with...So when ever in life i would write Together i would think of that moment of TO GET HER :-)

But then it Just Made Me Realise Something Far More important then a sweet English lesson back in the 90's
for a GirL and a Boy to have a chance of ever being Together he Needs TO GET HER!
and then They Can Be TOGETHER

yes TOGETHER like in any Kind of Weather

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


so what happens to a creative person if they work in a task orientated work that is filled Billable Hours and Record Keeping???
You end up writing songs and making moves to an old song with new Meaning and Feeling:

" Old McDonald Had Farm E-E-I-A
and on the Farm there was a Craig
with a Little Bit of This (do the hair move)
and a Little Bit of That (yeah yeah)
and We end up with a B.i.D....
Old McDonald Had A Farm E-E-I-A"
so for those who do not know what EIA stands for its: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT

this year i have been part of the Public Participation Team for the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) for the New Proposed Transnet Petrol Pipeline(RSA)....well most of the time....there is other project as well...of course but the New Petrol Pipeline got me here....and is the reason...why i am still here at

the way you do the moves to songs like: Y-M-C-A
Changes to Y-E-I-A

you see everything Change Because With A Little Bit of THIS and a Little Bit of That you end up with a BackGround Information Document B.I.D

and you hear things different...the radio news about LonminMine who is being bought over by Xstrata Mine is not that Random fact you know people working at Xstrata Mine because you are working on one of their projects


Monday, September 29, 2008


There is SoMeTHing about MuSiC That Relates to My SOUL Like Nothing Else Can!!!

it speaks TO and OF every STAGE/VASE i have ever Been or maybe Will be...
it tells the story of my life in so many ways like i was never able to say it out loud!
to speak for myself
and to live it out loud like dreaming out loud

it can put me in a MOOD like no one else can

it can make me DANCE like a true star*

it makes me SiNG everyday :-)

it Makes Me WANA Become the Person i was meant to be

it makes me wana go New PLACE'S and meet New People who will become like Family

it makes me wana Make MEMORIES that Will Last Me a LiFeTiMe

it makes me wana WRiTE more and more

it makes me wana LOVE regardless of the Asshole All men Are

it makes me Know that there is HOPE

it makes me Wane experience more and more of every kind of Emotions and Feelings


It Really Really Makes me Wana Be Alive!!!!!

MuSiC is sooo PART of ME that it is ME and Its The: Song Of My Life

and i am singing it OUT LOUD!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

if and when

.... When Someone Shows You WHO THEY REALLY ARE.....BELIEVE THEM!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I have had that feeling Really STRONG 3 times in my life:
and All 3 times was in the year 2006

The 1st on was in January on the 31 a hot Summer night in Pretoria the Capital of the RSA, and I felt that with a Boyfriend we felt the same….

the 2second on was in July on the 16 in the middle of My First Summer in July in the Capital of the USA, I share that moment with: if there was a thing like a Soul Mate He Was That, so once again with a guy and We Felt The Same! This time it Felt More ReaL Because I was on the Other Side of the EARTH with different Stars, under the stars in DC like there was no tomorrow….

the 3rd was on the island of the Statue of Liberty in New York City Looking at the sky-liner of NYC Like in the Movies……witch is Like ONE of my Dream Coming True and I Share that Moment with MYSelf and I am glad I share that with me-self

i Cherish's Those Moment’s because:

There WAS no Where else on this Earth i would rather be Then right THERE…………

it also makes my think....who many times in life i do not EMBRACE a MOMENT with ALL that is with in me and Live through that Moment
yes even those that made me SAD or even made me cry....or Maybe Made Me Laugh so much that i had to go to the bathroom....

or Maybe it is Just Me That Wants to Reminder Every Moment in My Life?!!!

and now i am making a decision to feel Like This EveryDAY: THERE’S NO WHERE ELSE ON THIS EARTH I WOULD RATHER BE THEN RIGHT HERE!!!


Hoekom heg ons soveel waarde aan
Goed wat OUD is?

Is dit omdat: mens nie Kan Terug gaan nie….
Nie weer kan produseur nie...
Nie weer kan beleef nie

Dat ons sal R 700 betaal vir n BOEK wat NIEMAND n 100 jaar Wou of Kon Lees nie!

maar, as dit kom by MENSE:

dan is dit die ou mense wie se nommers ons Eerste Erase van ons nuwe Fone af
die Eerste Mense wat ons vermy
in die Shopping Center

die ou “goed” het jy
moes nou om geruil,
vir die

- 8 Desember 2006 -

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Lunch

Its been weeks
Since our Last MeaL
Since our Last Touch

That i Feel Save By You

The smell of your week
and the Look of my day
Makes my Wish: YOU WERE HERE
and Still MY FAN
Hanging by Nature
Like NO ONE else were

The way you TOUCH ME
and Look for ME
While i call for you
Waiting for you, to ReTurn:
Where You Belong!

With Me……

- 2 August 2006 -

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Ek Wens Jy Kan Elke
Woord Verstaan, wat ek SE
Elke Meaning wat Jy
My Gee

en Ek wens Jy kan
My net Vas-Hou soos
Daardie dag
Asof daar
Nie n
Is nie

- 7 August 2006 -

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My Belewenis

My Belewenis Van Jou
Dis anders soos ek hier

Jou Hart
Vertikaal geboei
Jou OE
See Groen
Monster Pers
Spoeg van Haat
Smaak van Braak

Jou HAND n uitgesteek te KRUIS

- 1 September 007 -

Friday, July 11, 2008


Ek Love die Manier
Hoe Jy Leeutjie-Prentjies
teken op jou koevert
en dit Kinderlik vir My wys

met Aanvaarding na My
Met jou oe Groter as
dit van Bo

- July 30 2006 -

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Jy insprireer My
Moetiveer My
Inibeer My gees

- JuLy 21 2006 -

Friday, July 4, 2008

What this ROADTRIP made me REalises Yet again:

1. ITS AMAZING HOW THINGS DON'T WORK OUT SO THAT IT CAN WORK OUT!and that has been One of my motto's ever since i saw Dave Matthews Band back in USA ,Virginia 24 June 2006. One of my things/sayings/beliefs/xperience=I LIVE BY IT

2. There Are still Good/Nice People in this COUNTRY/WORLD THAT WOULD WANNA AND WILL HELP you just by giving directions

3.THERE are still People that Will NEVer b Abel to DRIVE!!


5.I LOVE IT WHEN IT RAINS(the sun was out 2day but thank God for that because it was summer here =HOT and i look black now from all the sun)






11.GOD gave Me a Personality to Work with People




15.Dancing IS THE BEST THING EVER(no matter where or what)

16.i Love taking Photo's



19.THAT there's somethings i WILL ALWAYS HAVE with some People

20. :-) smile

* and more yet to realises

Gooi MieLies

PIMPING@the Shack Palace


Nature Just makes BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS...OK OK the model helps :-)

i Love Horses

my First ZULU house...Al was ek net Buite

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

OPgeVLoeiDe Trappe

Op gevloeide Trappe
Want daar buite sal dit dalk nog
Reen van dag
en dis Somer in JuLy

Ons moet, ontmoet by dieBegin
die Sirkel van Lewe
die van die Dag
en Dans ek Absurd
oor hoe ek jou nie meer vertrou nie
want sy gee my weer n
Teef kyk

Ma in jou Oe, vind ek Veiligheid
Jou Regterkant wat
Skuins af Skuur
met die kyk van Deurnis
wat Dwarsdeur
My Hart Druk

Dat jy Werklik vir My om gee
ma meer: Ek Gee Om Vir JOu
Jy’s nou moes Deel Van My

- 7 August 2006 -

Monday, June 30, 2008

Broken Shades

The fact that we can
Sense stuff
Without a Trace of Words

As if you can see Beyond
These Broken Shades

and Look into my Heart
and i can Feel
the single Beat
of your Heart

and without a trace of words
in a blue room
its between ME and YOU
what Reflex What We Are
We Share

Without Anything
Just YOU and ME
And the Sense

As you See Beyond these Broken Shades

- July 25 2006 -

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

is it Wrong?

It is wrong?

It is sooo wrong to Like U
After a long year of Silence
You Awake
Spring up
Inside of Me

Is it so wrong to Like U?!!
To feel This

Is it So rung to do the same sin
Over and over?

Is it SIN
Is it LAST
Is it LOVE is it FATE
Is it NICE…

The Touch of Your LIPS next 2 Mine

- 1 September 007 -

Wednesday, June 4, 2008



Ek Wil Samet jou Plakate
aan die Regtekant van die
pad Ry
Swem in n Gemeenskap Swembad
en Hard Loop in die
Want dis Somer in JuLy

Samet Jou MaryLand Ontdek
en probeer Sterre Kyk in DC
Lag As of ons nie Mag nie
en Samet Jou
Longboard Ry
net soos Jy kan

Samet Jou Verewig Tee Drink
of dit nou Rooibos of Arizone Tea is
net Kaal voet Loop
Samet Jou Middagete Eet

In StiLte Wees

en Samet jou Gees Wees

ma BO Als WiL ek SAMET


- 20 November 2006 -

Monday, June 2, 2008


We the Human-race has Always been Fascinated by it:


Its quite a time a-go since I first read those PROFOUND words, what a BEAUTIFUL Line and a Awesome REVELATION!!

It was the TIME of Aug 2006 after spending 3 hot summer month's of June, July and Aug on the East Cost of the United States of America in the Capital DC.

But every since that Time: It has Hunt me and follow me, because part of me: My thoughts and words and Understanding of TiMe knows it is so TRUE

I don’t know if Lauren Read it somewhere, maybe is was just her Own REVELATION of Time!
Maybe is was a moment She Had While Writing Me a Farewell Letter, after a SuMMer Camp, that Has SHAPE and CHANGE ALL of Us to the TiMe...

Its so true what SHE wrote that night, that First Line, Like an Opening Line for a Speech, so TRUE so PROFOUND so REAL, that EVERYONE just Smile’s and nod.

TiMe and Time Again TIME and LIFE just Show’s Me what a MYSTERY it IS and WILL Be and I Know it Has ALWAYS Been!!!

How Time Can Move Both Fast AND Slow AMAZES ME!!!
..........TIME AND TIME Again.....

Friday, May 30, 2008



So wat moet ek nou DOEN met al hierdie EMOSIE’S,dit hang net in die Lug soos n WolK KoLoM

Sal dit my Bewaar in die:DAG
My VUUR wees in die:NAG
van Hierie Wrede VreeMde MONSTER van LieFde???

So wat moet ek nou MAAK met AL Hierdie Feelings!

Dit hang net in die Lug
Soos n wolok kolom

………..Oppad iewers heen waar ek nie gaan…


- 7 February 2006 -

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SoMeWheRe OveR The RainBow

SoMeWheRe OveR THE Rainbow

i Love that song!!!
it Will probably ALWAYS Reminds Me of my First CABARET i did In My Life in my First year.

"SoMeWhere OveR the RainBow, way up high
There's a Land that i've heard of once in a lalabye...
SoMeWheRe OveR the RainBow,Birds Fly High, Why o Why Cant i
One day i wish upon a STAR and wake up where the clouds are all behind Me....
That's were you'll find me.........
Somewhere over the rainbow,way up high......."

this photo's was taken just now form out side my office window in Midrand. where I've been watching the sunsets this year
Yes it is TWO yes 2 Rainbow's!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

CoMing To TerMs WitH iT

i like that word expression and saying :COMING TO TERMS WITH IT yes i know its wordS, but for ME its like a WORD just one expression one saying thing 1 word that:Sumes up Exactly how i feeL!
you see at this stage of my LiFe iam CoMing To TerMS With...




See i told you iam StiLL CoMing to Terms WitH it!!!!!!!!!!

i cant even say it OUT LOUD! so i am NOT Able to Write it in Black and White for the
to Come to Terms WitH ME......

Monday, May 19, 2008



In dit Alles het ek jou verloor
En SY word jou: Be ALL and End All

Jou wereld gaan aan...
...en myne,..... Myne Pause :

Ek Bly agter staan en Kyk VERLORE…..
Na die “nuwe jy”

en eks?

Eks VERLORE in jou WeReLd!!

- 15 December 2005 -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

i am inLove

I love romantic comedies!!!!

That feel good feeling I get while and after I have watch a romantic comedy!
You know what I am talking about that kind of you get, like I got while watching SWEET HOME ALABAMA for the first time back in January 2003 that after I walk out of the cinema, I was screaming:” I am in Love” in Brooklyn Mall.

That Feeling of Hope it gives me, because the two main characters Always end up together and happy!:13 GOING ON 30 just to name 1

That a main character always realizing that he made a mistake, and then he goes back and its all good: HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS just to name 1

That a Best Friend always falls in Love or is already in love with his or hers best Friend! Maid OF Honor just to name 1

it’s because I love the feeling of being in love!
Romantic Comedy Is My favourite Genre of Movies
Its because most well more like 99% of all Romantic Comedies play of in New York City that’s like my Favourite City in the World
Maybe its because I am an romanticist

Maybe its because if I CAN choose an ideal STORY for my Life I’ll choose a Romantic Comedy!!

But More then that its Because ROMANTIC COMEDIES is theee Movies that ARE SUCCESSFUL in there AFTER FEELING,

and that is: FeeLing Good About Yourselves and Having Hope and That’s How I Want People to Feel after they have spend time with Me...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1 of the BEST RoadTrip's eVeR

Monday, May 12, 2008

Searching for Something BeTTER

There will always be a better work,a better car,a better Girl,a Better Boyfriend Out there and even a better BLOG...

but for now i don't have time nor energy to go and do it all over again....First there were MySPace and Then FaCeBook!well i have both and Let Me TeLL you its Really High Maintenance and getting a Blog,well that is just Adding to My List of Maintenance!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


My Gedagtes steek my drome weg

My Hart Hunker na die Vrae

In My oe Sien jy niks

My Woorde vertel n Verhaal

Want hoeveel keer kan mens huil

om Nooit weer te kry?

Hoeveel keer gan ek Myself vra

om Dit uit-te-sort die Jaar
-27 Dec 2005-

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Going SoMeWhere

i Love AiRPoRT'S Because they are FuLL of Story's: i Know its one of the Place's on this Earth were you can experience Sadness and Happiness ALL in one Moment in one Place!
If Those WaLL's can Talk i'll definitely Listen to Them....
but more then that,Airport's really Tell's the story THE :Story of My Life and that is: that i am
Going SoMewhere...

SunSet at the Johannesburg International Airport


Here i GO!!!So we All Have to Start SomeWhere...and the Blog Bug of Writing has been banging on my hAnD for a year now....So here i Go...i will use this Side(and i might even move over to another blog side later)to: TeLL the STORY OF MY Life:though Forms of ART like Poetry and Photo's or just Random Story's!Because i BeLieve We've ALL got a Story TeLL!!!