Friday, July 31, 2009

back in the July of 6 and 9 a Summer

so its been NR.2 for having a Summer in July!and yes its been a summer since May already but list just stick to July because this is the hottest month of summer to the Northern .So i hope by now you have figured out that i am a girl form the South no not South like USA people refer to the Real South the Southern part of the world, that means that my framework for summer is from September during Spring until April and that May to August is Winter, just that back ground for those who did not paid attention in gr.3
My first Summer in the middle of the year was in 2006 in Washington Dc, USA
and now this one nr.2 have been in London,UK and here on the island of Guernsey
so its been the Summer of 6 and 9 and not like Bryan Adams song of '69 i mean my Ma and Dad haven't even met in 1969
Having these two summer's in the middle of year have been my Best May(9) and Best July(6) of my LIFE so far, yes so far because Yet is still to come!
and i can most allot of picture to confirm the time of my life.....
but if you are someone like me that have always wanted to Travel the Whole World then being in USA and London pretty just makes this whole experience more awesome.taking about spicing it up!

so here fellow just the High lights of this July '9

1th: this is what i made my facebook states:"Goeie bliksem dis warm hier, i am red in the face"
2th: My Grandmother go Facebook
3th: Cycling for the first time in 2 and half years with Taryn and Jason Cole(the SA-English kids)i Au pair
4th: me and Mary my new friend at my new job who was born in Venezuela but rise in Madeira go out hit the dance floor for the first time together
5th:Wimbledon Men Finale's Federer Win's!!
6th: i wake to COBObay even thou the wind blows hectic i just sit there and watch and embrace the first WAVES on Guernsey
8th:Jason is making me a Wii pro
9th:dinner out
10th:am living the dream...its stress free sorg vry epic free and taking it easy i am on a working holiday visum and have a view to the ocean form a island
11th: i go with my Latvian friend to go work at this wedding and it end up being this Africa wedding not the Afrikaanse Afrika Wedding which i am use to this is one form Zimbabwe and i meet this guy Johnny form Venezuela and this all is happening just on Guernsey...this is by the way My New Favourite Story of Guernsey
14th:first swim this year in a swimming pole and Jason Cole makes my Heart Smile the way he says "JA" all the time! i am getting paid having fun
15th:Dis you know that Sweden wants to buy Latvia...o the joy of being part of the Latvia Mafia
16th:Thursday Ice-cream day with Mary...the Night united with my x-roommate of this year Amz
17th:Ja for my age i still can and take a afternoon nap in peace and its Lekker i enjoy it allot
20th:They Landed on the Moon 40years ago today...but i went for dinner at Mary with just Portuguese people and then we went to the Portuguese Pub there was this guy singing and everything the joke the people working there are form Latvia!and we hit the Dance floor of Follies
21th: "VIS" in Latvia means everything and in Afrikaans it means Fish...haha
22th:went out to Follies but the DJ and people just piss me off cant play music and cant dance...but i met the Latvian guy Martin who i have always thought not to bad...
23th:Johnny Mr.Venezuela
24th:Harbour Carnival with my South-African friend
25th:Best first date(sounds so american) ever aka Shopping with a guy(johnny)
27th:That it people i am Moving to Venezuela because so that my kids can have my Awesome surname nl:MILNE one day because Yes in Venezuela you get your Mothers surname,just for those who did not know!and finish watching the Movie "Into the wild"at last
28th:i SWAM for the 1st Time in this Channel/Atlantic/Ocean/sea on Guernsey(i did say i wanna do it)
30th: Amz x-roommate fair fell last night and we sow the Best Shooting Stars in my Life 13 Shooting Stars just Shooting
31th: Today Perfect to be on the beach and drink Creme soda And that's what i did so my 2e Swim in this Ocean/Atlantic/Channel/Sea
*this photo is proof of today 31 July 09
and i must say i do Prefer and like Summer in JuLY more then i would ever like it in the winter
July has been by Far also the best Month this Year Maybe because i have been on a Real Working Holiday visa and Living on Island Help for summer in july
and the view out of my room
and my Awesome Road trip Driving the Sandwich Van along side the Coast Looking at the island's of HERM and SHARK
is and had just Spice it up

i Love Summer in JULY
Summer of 6 and 9