Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Die wyse van woorde
vloei soms
deur my stem
of deur my pen

maar my woorde gee my gevoelens en ondervindings net Vlerke
Ek moet dit Le

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


There is no question that the Cameo brooch has survived the fashion test of time. Originally designed as a brooch cameos found popularity in the mid 1900’s being used as rings, bracelets, necklace pendants and earrings.
Today i have three piece's of Cameo!
My First Cameo I inherited from my Grandmother via my Mother which i made in to a necklace back in 2006.
Cameo member nr.2 Last year in London i found a real vintage cameo ring, in my favourite colours: white,black and pink.What makes this cameo ring extra special is that normally the "women face" is typical Victoria English Style but this Pink_lady is Greek Theatrical Olympics Games face and I wear the Ring Every day!!!(ja that's how awesome it is, and how much i love it)
Cameo member nr. 3 is a brooch the real deal got it in the beginning of this year its also inherited form my Grandmother in fact it broke(the back part) and she wanted to throw it away and i was like"Never, I'll fix it" and that's what i did, i fixed it!That what i do i fix things change them, reshape it, restyle it, re-use it and re-write it!

The cameo Appearance is here to stay in my fashionable World.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Thee Tip for Men

Dear Men You have it Good when it comes to:"Dress to Impress".
All you Need is a(1) Good pair of Jean's,(2) a Good Perfume(Hugo Boss) (3)a cool shirt/t-shirt(this is for the Summer in the Winter n Good Jacket and Scarf will make YOU look like a Model)and (4)cool hair-do(if you have hair) or just real manly facial hair_a Beard and you will look Hot!

Did you know that Girls will not always remember Your name but, Trust me if you dress Nice/Good/Fashionable(and by nice i don't mean name branding)
You will stand out in n crowd!What ever that crowd may be;at a Rock Show in a Tube at Church or in a Club!

So there you have it: Dress To Stand Out and remember to Smile!a true good smile is really hard to forget!
Its because when you feel good you look good and you will meet that kinda girl that Dress with a Smile and feels good! :-)

Men and the Colour White

Fashion Tip for Men when it comes to the Colour White:
Please: 1. No white Sock's with black shoes or if you are wearing blank pants
2. No White Belts
3. No White Undies with you Black skinny Jean's
Rather stick with black Everybody looks good in black sock's,undies and belts!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

a Vintage Fan

Today i am wearing a Vintage designer scarf form London as a hairpiece!Like in a toupée (pronounced too-pay)for theatrical purposes only Not the Donald Trump way.
Life is a stage.
Why and how do i know this? its because i did Study Theatre at University Level.
I am such a vintage fan!and like you know by now: i am big believer in scarfing it up so making use of that summer scarf as a hairpiece,is just another way of spicing up your outfit!
Style for the day

#sorry no picture

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Scarfed it up and Waistcoats in

Scarfed it up!
i am a big believer in the power of the Scarf!For the save of the winter wind,as well as colouring up a outfit
So the start of this winter,in May i knitted my first own scarfed. Picture on the right: in hand my Handmade_Brown_Wool_scarf
Mind the bright_light picture was taken in a club/pub!yes in SouthAfrica when its winter one still needs to scarfed it up inside.
Note my awesome new pink watch as well as my awesome waistcoats
Waistcoats are awesome and do not think for one minute its just for men! I love making Clothes or just fixing it or changing it!so knitting my First Own scarf was so awesome!and now i am wearing it with proud because it's not only "made in the RSA" or "made by hand" But its made by my own hand's!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spicing it up with Suspenders

Kruisband that's the word for Suspenders in Afrikaans. I must say the Afrikaans word say it much better.
Because that is what it is:these two line cross over holding on the left-and-right side,back-and-front on my pants, keeping up those pants(jeans most of the time)and spicing up my outfit.

Yes i am talking about those famous 60's style Suspenders under a suit.It so the thing to wear since June 2010. Ja its back in Fashion!
Because Fashion repeats-it-self™©

I've got a white-and-black pair.Both form H&M(uk) in London. My white pair was my first pair and then the boyfriend gave me the black one's.I know what a awesome boy that gives one fashionable-gifts!Both were bought form the Men's department.
I must say it here that i love the Men's department in Shop's!
Why?Ag i like Men's Fashion just as much as Cloth in general and Colours and style!
I will at same later stage blog about Fashion tips

But until then my "Kruisbande" will keep up my Jeans as i am having Winter in July for the fist time in 3 years!
and i must say i prefer having Summer in July and Not Winter in July.

So spice it up with Suspenders ™©

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The Older i get the more Dreams I Get!

i know what a beautiful line!but its true
well its true for me, and one can only speak for oneself
and that line just hit me Just now
that's where i am
the Older i am getting and by "older" i am meaning as time goes by years because one sure is not old!The more Dreams i am getting.....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is not the end, this is not the beginning...

This is not the end, this is not the beginning,its the middle of the year

Thus this is not to late to make my first entering on my blog
So its been way way overdue for me to come and write her again.
I've decided that i am going to change kinda my blog make it more about another thing i am really passionate about and i wanna make a living out of it.
What is that?

ja fashion

So i will give fashion tips and just blog about what ever fashion i have to share...Sharing is caring and not do the whole *"in" fashion blog with and post picture ok maybe a picture here and there It is still after all The Story of my Life

But the New Strong Voice of the story of my life My will now only be the big "F" and that is not facebook but Fashion