Monday, November 30, 2009

a island Farewell Speach

if you think of the Drama Story:Lost and the Movie:The Beach, it all plays of on a ISLAND

there's always someone Dying,someone fulling In Love or out of Love,Moonlight,Sea walks,Murder,Players,Survivors,Snake's Pigs....du du du Epic
Geez i sure does sound to me like that has been our story here on this Random Google Island called: Guernsey

all the extreme emotions we had it here
the words of Katy Perry song :♪♫" then your hot then your cold then your in then your out,you change your mind..."♪♫is a true freaken story to us,because that is how the island has made us feel

the weather change here every hour,like most city at the ocean you know you get the 5 seasons in one day effect
but i am not going to speak about the famous weather,i mean if i got 1pond for every time someone spoke to me about the weather or i just heard it i would have been retired by now...

its only in Guernsey where you can walk everywhere,or i am i just speaking about myself...??
while you(me) are walking to Down Town because things will be better there, a tracker will pass you a horse will make its way to the farm,you will see the Fog surrounding the island but the sun is beating down on you and this is all happening in a road that is in fact a one way, but not here!
it makes you wonder? Where I am? a Farm?the Beach?because I've only swam in it twice in a year!or am i maybe just on the most unrealistic land near France English State Liberation Day Free from Germany 64 Years ago!! Geez Guernsey

We were Salving away so that we can Save away and then Sail away...

Only the Good Stories have the Characters different at the end then they were at the beginning.
and we sure are different and has grown here, some in age some in size some in money others in hair colours and some in new lines(tfs)
i mean Its Really not Everyday All of the above happens.

so We don't know what the future holds;some might have a Mental plan,
others a Pencil
or just a No Plan
what ever Plan Your On
All we Can do is: Trust in God
and Hope for some Good Weather

~Take it easy and Have Fun~

15 Aug 2009