Friday, May 30, 2008



So wat moet ek nou DOEN met al hierdie EMOSIE’S,dit hang net in die Lug soos n WolK KoLoM

Sal dit my Bewaar in die:DAG
My VUUR wees in die:NAG
van Hierie Wrede VreeMde MONSTER van LieFde???

So wat moet ek nou MAAK met AL Hierdie Feelings!

Dit hang net in die Lug
Soos n wolok kolom

………..Oppad iewers heen waar ek nie gaan…


- 7 February 2006 -

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SoMeWheRe OveR The RainBow

SoMeWheRe OveR THE Rainbow

i Love that song!!!
it Will probably ALWAYS Reminds Me of my First CABARET i did In My Life in my First year.

"SoMeWhere OveR the RainBow, way up high
There's a Land that i've heard of once in a lalabye...
SoMeWheRe OveR the RainBow,Birds Fly High, Why o Why Cant i
One day i wish upon a STAR and wake up where the clouds are all behind Me....
That's were you'll find me.........
Somewhere over the rainbow,way up high......."

this photo's was taken just now form out side my office window in Midrand. where I've been watching the sunsets this year
Yes it is TWO yes 2 Rainbow's!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

CoMing To TerMs WitH iT

i like that word expression and saying :COMING TO TERMS WITH IT yes i know its wordS, but for ME its like a WORD just one expression one saying thing 1 word that:Sumes up Exactly how i feeL!
you see at this stage of my LiFe iam CoMing To TerMS With...




See i told you iam StiLL CoMing to Terms WitH it!!!!!!!!!!

i cant even say it OUT LOUD! so i am NOT Able to Write it in Black and White for the
to Come to Terms WitH ME......

Monday, May 19, 2008



In dit Alles het ek jou verloor
En SY word jou: Be ALL and End All

Jou wereld gaan aan...
...en myne,..... Myne Pause :

Ek Bly agter staan en Kyk VERLORE…..
Na die “nuwe jy”

en eks?

Eks VERLORE in jou WeReLd!!

- 15 December 2005 -

Thursday, May 15, 2008

i am inLove

I love romantic comedies!!!!

That feel good feeling I get while and after I have watch a romantic comedy!
You know what I am talking about that kind of you get, like I got while watching SWEET HOME ALABAMA for the first time back in January 2003 that after I walk out of the cinema, I was screaming:” I am in Love” in Brooklyn Mall.

That Feeling of Hope it gives me, because the two main characters Always end up together and happy!:13 GOING ON 30 just to name 1

That a main character always realizing that he made a mistake, and then he goes back and its all good: HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS just to name 1

That a Best Friend always falls in Love or is already in love with his or hers best Friend! Maid OF Honor just to name 1

it’s because I love the feeling of being in love!
Romantic Comedy Is My favourite Genre of Movies
Its because most well more like 99% of all Romantic Comedies play of in New York City that’s like my Favourite City in the World
Maybe its because I am an romanticist

Maybe its because if I CAN choose an ideal STORY for my Life I’ll choose a Romantic Comedy!!

But More then that its Because ROMANTIC COMEDIES is theee Movies that ARE SUCCESSFUL in there AFTER FEELING,

and that is: FeeLing Good About Yourselves and Having Hope and That’s How I Want People to Feel after they have spend time with Me...


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1 of the BEST RoadTrip's eVeR

Monday, May 12, 2008

Searching for Something BeTTER

There will always be a better work,a better car,a better Girl,a Better Boyfriend Out there and even a better BLOG...

but for now i don't have time nor energy to go and do it all over again....First there were MySPace and Then FaCeBook!well i have both and Let Me TeLL you its Really High Maintenance and getting a Blog,well that is just Adding to My List of Maintenance!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


My Gedagtes steek my drome weg

My Hart Hunker na die Vrae

In My oe Sien jy niks

My Woorde vertel n Verhaal

Want hoeveel keer kan mens huil

om Nooit weer te kry?

Hoeveel keer gan ek Myself vra

om Dit uit-te-sort die Jaar
-27 Dec 2005-

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Going SoMeWhere

i Love AiRPoRT'S Because they are FuLL of Story's: i Know its one of the Place's on this Earth were you can experience Sadness and Happiness ALL in one Moment in one Place!
If Those WaLL's can Talk i'll definitely Listen to Them....
but more then that,Airport's really Tell's the story THE :Story of My Life and that is: that i am
Going SoMewhere...

SunSet at the Johannesburg International Airport


Here i GO!!!So we All Have to Start SomeWhere...and the Blog Bug of Writing has been banging on my hAnD for a year now....So here i Go...i will use this Side(and i might even move over to another blog side later)to: TeLL the STORY OF MY Life:though Forms of ART like Poetry and Photo's or just Random Story's!Because i BeLieve We've ALL got a Story TeLL!!!