Thursday, August 20, 2009

i LoVe Shades

i Love My Shades
i mean
"what is a man without his shades"
yes i know there is no saying like that yet...until Now so here i am making it a saying!!
i know that your Shades says allot about you as a person and of your personality.
The kinda you like and have and does reflect you in the end
it gives you shades
and protect your eyes
"you can judge a person by his shades"
i think that's also a good New saying
by how every, and how ever the new saying will go or if you called it Sunny's or Sunglasses it all comes down to this;
That what i know For sure is
that i LOVE my Shades!!!
here is the best photo's of me and my SHADES form All Over the WorLd


Roadtrip's in Pretoria

With Creme Soda on CoboBay on Geurnsey


The Crazy/Beautiful City of Cape TOwn and Table Mountain

Port Elizabeth(hometown) on the pier


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