Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Turning Back the Clock

Did you know Guernsey is close to JERSEY the island not the state in the USA nor the movie with Ben Affleck nor a Jersey that you wear like Craig said to me:"the jersey that matches your nails"

Last week we turn the Clock one hour back and its the first time in my Life that i did it part of "day light savings"

and it is Crazy what it has done to the Sun who is now setting at 8pm not 4pm like when i arrived back in December in the UK ok i am not now in the UK but in the Norther Hampshire
so the days are getting more sunlight and longer
i really now understand why the WORLD refer to the RSA as the Sunny SA because we do have a overload of sun!!!to much sometimes a specially with a European Skin in a Africa-Sun Country
but here on Guernsey the sun shines also allot

its nothing like a tropical island....NO
last week was the first time i was bare feet on the sand and walk up to my knees in the cold still water....
it sometimes does not feel like i am living at the ocean:
you don't Smell the ocean here nor Hear it or see Waves break or just Waves in general
just an Awesome view form my work!

ja its been 4 months since i left the RSA
and November feels like a eternity away and gone

i have made friends here with people who is also from RSA(south Africa for those we don't know)
and its funny because i always said its stupid when people go to London and all they do is end up being friends with a SA people
but know i Understand!!!

its amazing how Going Aboard:
Living and Traveling always change people
as i am changing form the inside out

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