People All Over the WORLD makes these "list" a 2 DO List, this List Then Tell's them What they Still Need to do for today or for this week or before they Leave(their work or age or even this life)some even make a list on: what kinda Man or Women they want to marry one day...
or like my Friend Christiaan has a list about :"Things To Do before 30"
Yes There is even a movie about it about it Named: "The Bucket List"
i grow up with on older sister that had ALWAYS these "2 do list" against her wall at her desk in her room.She had list for What to buy,When to Learn what During her exams,When to do what.She also Had and Still have a list for her life.The List said she Want to get married on 21,that only happened on 26 and now she has a list on When and How she is planning on Getting here kids.She likes Having these"LIST'S" About EVERYTHING on HER life,she phones my Mamma one's a week and give her The New Download on Her "New List"in anther words: Her New Plan! OK i just had to come and edited this blog because just this weekend my older sister phoned and told my little sister that they will be buying a dog in 3years time,she even gave the type of dog and what the dog name will be and everything!While My Littler sister was informing us yesterday during our traditional late Sunday lunch we ALL just burst out sorry i did not get the type of dog nor this "future"dog's name, but as i know my Sister she sure wrote it some where on a little note or in her book!
Me The Middle Child on the other Hand Has a List that says:MAKE A 2 Do List
Maybe because i know what needs to be done So i know what is standing on that list, that i don't need to write it out
but also because i KNOW and Believe that: Its AMAZING How things Don't Work out so That it Can Work Out and Life happens when you Make Plans, and that you Cant Predict Life!!!
and Yes i am NOT a Task orientated Person...its Bad because i keep on prolonging on things i need to do!,but like the Beautiful Afrikaans expressions say:" Van Uit Stel Kom Af Stel"
What is funny about My Older sister is; that She has not learn Yet that LIFE can not be mark down on a piece of paper in blue ink on what will happen when and how
No Life needs to be Lived out Not on Paper but in Seconds that becomes Minuets and Minutes that become Moments...
i think its great for people to Have List "Things to do before i am ...." it sets their goal's on black and white and give them something to look forward for and to work towards.
Me on the other hand...Due of course i Also have List's/a check list: of Things and place's and More Things i What To Do!but i am not going to LiMiTED my Life or Opportunities by butting a AGE a Number to it: On What Needs to Happen When
NO WAY! i am going to Limited The Story of My Life!!!
and so it went that after Friday night i was able to take down to ticks on My unwritten List
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