Monday, August 15, 2011

Thee Tip for Men

Dear Men You have it Good when it comes to:"Dress to Impress".
All you Need is a(1) Good pair of Jean's,(2) a Good Perfume(Hugo Boss) (3)a cool shirt/t-shirt(this is for the Summer in the Winter n Good Jacket and Scarf will make YOU look like a Model)and (4)cool hair-do(if you have hair) or just real manly facial hair_a Beard and you will look Hot!

Did you know that Girls will not always remember Your name but, Trust me if you dress Nice/Good/Fashionable(and by nice i don't mean name branding)
You will stand out in n crowd!What ever that crowd may be;at a Rock Show in a Tube at Church or in a Club!

So there you have it: Dress To Stand Out and remember to Smile!a true good smile is really hard to forget!
Its because when you feel good you look good and you will meet that kinda girl that Dress with a Smile and feels good! :-)

Men and the Colour White

Fashion Tip for Men when it comes to the Colour White:
Please: 1. No white Sock's with black shoes or if you are wearing blank pants
2. No White Belts
3. No White Undies with you Black skinny Jean's
Rather stick with black Everybody looks good in black sock's,undies and belts!