Thursday, February 19, 2009


ek glo Mense moet in My en in n Mens se lewe wees want:
Hulle VerRyk Jou Lewe en Jy VerRyk Hulle Lewe!!!

Jy het My Kom Verryk
in my Hoostad in gedans
met jou oe dwarsdeur my kom kyk
en my Lewe kom Vernuwe

My Laat Lag
nadat ek die 3mees emosionele dae gehad het
my wakker gemaak
en my snaags laat lekker slaap

my Laat Voel soos net die Feel good Feeling van n Movie kan doen

Jou soene Laat my brein ontplof van geluk

Ja JY het My Lewe Kom VERRYK
~30 September 2008~

die gedig het ek namens n ou geskryf, want ek weet nie almal is goed daar meer om hulle gevoelens wat hulle oor iemand voel in woorde te beskryf nie, en ek weet dis hoe hy oor my gevoel het.
maar hoe dit ook al sy

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

No Woman is an island...but i am Living on a island

in away voel dit glad nie of ek bly op n eiland nie,want ek loop better min dalk op n Sondag Aand lans die See op die Strand,maar was nog net eenkeer Kaalvoet in die ys koue water in,maar as ek werk in die dag sien ek wel die See
of as ek Down Town to go sien ek die see en n kasteel met die Naam: Cornet daar by,met n hawe en baie klein en groot en soms duur Seiljagte
maar nie te min omtrent orals waar mens loop kan mens die see omtrent sien

die See is Plat en Stil Geen Kaapse winde wat hom op roep nie

wat wel lyk soos kaapse berge is maar net Nog n eiland,wat vasgeanker is tussen die see
en elkedag lyk dit anders die see en my uitsig oor die ander eiland
om net vir jou die Prentjie te skep met woorde wat ek sien

wat ek hier beleef is wel n ander storie....

what die Saying:"NO MAN IS AN ISLAND" really missed,left out or just forgot to mention or say it as well is that "NO WOMEN IS AN ISLAND"

we the Humans Race We were made for others Humans

We need to have Good Company
Good Conversations
Someone to share this View with, the beautiful colours of the ocean while shopping in High Street or having a Hot Chocolate in a small Cafe while looking out side the window and all you see is the ocean, and you really feel you are now living in Europa,though its February and the Weather is Beautiful.
Clear open Blue Sky,a open clear ocean and here and there a Cloud and No Wind
and the Locals keep on telling you to wait for the "summer"

No way, i am going to Enjoy this,this what i have right now!

and if you would ask like everyone wants to know:"how long will i be in Guernsey"
the Answers is simple as this:"i am just riding the wave...though this Ocean has no waves"

The Reality is that i am living on an ISLAND...But i am not a ISLAND

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mine To Share

i have to start out by referring back to my previous post that was also the last post i did last year:2000andGR8
and that's my point like i wrote i give every year a name so as expected of me i did give this year a name: i called is 2000andMine and said to everyone"may your year be Fine"
i got some great friends and family that knows about me and my naming the years.
So before long emails was coming in asking me what "THIS YEAR name will be"
same even gave same suggestions like 2000andWine and Shine

i started of this Year in a Cold Old City of Edinburgh doing the Hogmanay thing
then i lived travel for 2 weeks the Famous Roads of LONDON because:" All Roads Leads To London" one of my sayings my by the way
and by day 21 i was in Scotland England and standing on the Island of Guernsey

and as the days have on fold in the first month
i was surrounded by people like most of us are
but these people i think don't even hear then self because all i heard out of their months was "i" "i don't like watching TV" "i don't eat Pizza"....
and it force me to look in myself.....

and i Decided that this year i Don't want it to Be 2000andMine
yes Mine Rhymes with Nine that's how the name came to me...but i don't want it to be All by My lonely self...

I rather want this YEAR this Last Year of 2000 and One anther Number to be a Year That will be Filled with Everything these Precious Year as Given Offered in rich My Life and Story with!

if you Look close you can see Almost all the Numbers in it and if it is Filled with a little bit of Every Year it wont be bad Year at All:

just the back of a 9 makes a 1=2001 Last Year of High School Turning Legal and the Best Year of 12 years of School, what a year Filled with Highs,Laughter's,Love,Exams and Memories that is lasting me a life time!!it was a Really Very Special year and time in my Life a lot of Good friends was made that Year

9 taking a part 2=2002 First Year as an Student and it was My Best Year!i was Working Hard.Doing Voice everyday at 6pm had Really Long Thick Black Hair, but i was to hard on myself....and i never again will do that to my self Having So many Rules on what and When and How things should be Done....i still have to remind myself To Have More Fun!!!i
Met a Seton person that has influence the story of my life for long time...

9 turn around give me a 6=2006 the Best year of my Life!!!
i know and Believe that Every Year i do and Will Learn a lot but that YEAR stands out above the rest
i lived in USA that year!
i Learned: its not How you started something out Something nor how you finish it its what happens in between...
if something isn't relevant it doesn't matter
going to USA and Living there was one of my Dreams that come true
Today i Know Dreams not ALL but Some Come TRUE!Like the Traveling Dreams
Start Spreading the News i am Leaving today: New York New York
New York is my Favourite City there is nothing like it
and every movie i have seen after i have been there felt more real then ever before
i learned i can work and be Focus driven and don't let anything come in my way to where i am on my way to
i went to America not knowing anyone and i end up know the WORLD...i am not saying America is the World ooo NO way i met friends form around the WORLD
met my SouLMate
Met one of my Favourite People in the world
i had Summer 3 Times that Year in the Beginning in the middle and by December once again....
talking about the SUMMER of 06 even Bryan Adams song has a Whole New Meaning
but above all i Learned: That i am a Strong!
and no one will ever be able to take that away form ME

i look back and think=Good Times and Memories That is Lasting Me a LifeTime!!!

make 7 bow down and you will see 9 2007=007
yeah Double O 7 baby
didn't turn out to be all as awesome as the bond movie with Daniel Craig in but it was Good
and today i can say i have lived in the year 007 with a smile on my face

8 cut in half will give you 9 2008=it was the really the year 2000andGR8

you see form 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 and 7 and 7 to 8 and now living in 9

i look back and not in Anger and even thou i Decided in 2000 that i don't want to Live with any Regrets...and i DO and i will probably always have some form of regrets on a thing here and someone there

but i Look back and what i see is:That
i have grown yes in age and hair colour but Grown As A Human Been
Grown so that i can be come A Better Person
Become the Person i was Meant to be
Every Year even my Worst year 2005 that i never wanna have over again had:
Happy Days
days that i Laughed so Loud in it and Sang so proud in it and danced under the full moon with it
or talked to someone as if there is no tomorrow
found something or someone Crazy/Beautiful
filled with Tears to my heart
and made me sick to my stomach
or fell in love that i was nauseous
i have Lived in it and through it and it has Shape and Moved Me
and its All Now part of the story of my life

So YES 2000andEverything will Be Filled with:Shine and Wine Will Be Fine and will Be MINE to have and to fill and to Share!!!