if you think of the Drama Story:Lost and the Movie:The Beach, it all plays of on a ISLAND
there's always someone Dying,someone fulling In Love or out of Love,Moonlight,Sea walks,Murder,Players,Survivors,Snake's Pigs....du du du Epic
Geez i sure does sound to me like that has been our story here on this Random Google Island called: Guernsey
all the extreme emotions we had it here
the words of Katy Perry song :♪♫" then your hot then your cold then your in then your out,you change your mind..."♪♫is a true freaken story to us,because that is how the island has made us feel
the weather change here every hour,like most city at the ocean you know you get the 5 seasons in one day effect
but i am not going to speak about the famous weather,i mean if i got 1pond for every time someone spoke to me about the weather or i just heard it i would have been retired by now...
its only in Guernsey where you can walk everywhere,or i am i just speaking about myself...??
while you(me) are walking to Down Town because things will be better there, a tracker will pass you a horse will make its way to the farm,you will see the Fog surrounding the island but the sun is beating down on you and this is all happening in a road that is in fact a one way, but not here!
it makes you wonder? Where I am? a Farm?the Beach?because I've only swam in it twice in a year!or am i maybe just on the most unrealistic land near France English State Liberation Day Free from Germany 64 Years ago!! Geez Guernsey
We were Salving away so that we can Save away and then Sail away...
Only the Good Stories have the Characters different at the end then they were at the beginning.
and we sure are different and has grown here, some in age some in size some in money others in hair colours and some in new lines(tfs)
i mean Its Really not Everyday All of the above happens.
so We don't know what the future holds;some might have a Mental plan,
others a Pencil
or just a No Plan
what ever Plan Your On
All we Can do is: Trust in God
and Hope for some Good Weather
~Take it easy and Have Fun~
15 Aug 2009
We get one Story,You and I,and one story Alone.This is me TeLLing the STORY OF MY Life:though Forms of ART like Poetry and Photo's Songs or just Random Stories!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
traveling the WORLD
so i have ALWAYS yes really Always Wanted to Travel and See the WHOLE WIDE WORLD since i was like 5 that's like since i learned anything
when i first went traveling aboard in 2006 i went to the USA
"i went to the America not knowing Any One but i end up knowing The World"
i am not saying America is the world No way,what i am saying is that i found/got friends form around the world
and then last year 2008 i moved to the UK i just traveled and then January 2009 i end up in Guernsey(the Island that you have to Google) on planed
and this is what happened
"i Come to See the WORLD But End Up Seeing People form The WORLD"
and then i realise its because,
yes we the human been the people the DNA the Eyes the Feet the Smiles and hands the sad and Happy Stories, we are the WoRld
These "things" Like The Statue of Liberty and Big Ben is just famous things that makes a City famous, and so that city is famous in the world. and people form different part of earth travel to these city's, to see it and then They take picture and have a moment in time....
but we are the world
we decided to "Discover" it
we build the Great Wall of China for a War and today its the only man made thing that you can see form the Moon.
we are History and today the Presence for the now and we will be the Future for everyday and year or lifetime to come...
we make the world a better place
we made the world into the environment impact it is today
we gave it the credit crunch
we gave it Music
we gave it Theatre that develop into Movies
we made Love
and war
and try to live in peace
and We Live by the choice's and decision's form and on generation and generation to come
we are the the people who make people Laugh, people Cry, people full in Love and out of Love
people die and same get born or just born again
we give dreams
and steel
play games
make records
change history rewrite it re-live it
and we Life
and give a heart beat
Sing a Song
do a Dance
and chat as if there is no tomorrow
watch the Sun set over the ocean
and watch it rise again in train ride
because we are the WORLD
without us
is Just The EARTH
if you would look at Earth form the Moon or any where else form space all you see is the water meaning the oceans and the continents, no human no name
see no happy face
or sad
a Colgate smile
or a tear
hear no one laughing
nor praying
see no future
and know no past
but still Every person that has EVER LIVED in this WORLD
Lived here
here on Earth
that what we called the world
their Home was here
their family and friends
and Memories....
and so
Their Stories of Their life's are Here
it has been and is egging for
"i come to See the World but end up seeing people form the world"
and i will keep on Moving
Take photo's
BeCause i am Part of the it
See it
feel it
Live it
so Shalom is the Hebrew way of greeting a fellow Jew
but Shalom is more than a Hello or a Goodbye/Cheers/Ciao/See you Later its a blessing of Goodwill you are Proclaiming over this person/Friends you are greeting.
so here is the English Translation=Meaning for the word Shalom
"Wholeness, Completeness, Health, Welfare, Safety, Soundness, Tranquility, Prosperity, Perfectness"
another nice way to Great a Fellow Friend in Hebrew is to say
"Tevurag Ahgi"
and in English you are saying:"Be Blessed My Brother"
brother meaning a Good Friend
to you my fellow reader and blogger
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
SomeTimes the People We Meet...
ok this is just another What i Know for sure thing in this life...maybe because i am preaching out of my own testimony and in Life that is the only thing you can do...
this is something Everyone needs to know and everyone Can Become it
SomeTimes The People We Meet Change Us Forever!!!
they may be Far and in between
you Be That
Became that
but More then anything
The Story Of Your Life
as it is
this is something Everyone needs to know and everyone Can Become it
SomeTimes The People We Meet Change Us Forever!!!
they may be Far and in between
you Be That
Became that
but More then anything
The Story Of Your Life
as it is
Thursday, August 20, 2009
i LoVe Shades
i Love My Shades
i mean
"what is a man without his shades"
yes i know there is no saying like that yet...until Now so here i am making it a saying!!
i know that your Shades says allot about you as a person and of your personality.
The kinda you like and have and wear...it does reflect you in the end
it gives you shades
and protect your eyes
"you can judge a person by his shades"
i think that's also a good New saying
by how every, and how ever the new saying will go or if you called it Sunny's or Sunglasses it all comes down to this;
That what i know For sure is
that i LOVE my Shades!!!
here is the best photo's of me and my SHADES form All Over the WorLd
Roadtrip's in Pretoria
With Creme Soda on CoboBay on Geurnsey
Friday, July 31, 2009
back in the July of 6 and 9 a Summer
so its been NR.2 for having a Summer in July!and yes its been a summer since May already but list just stick to July because this is the hottest month of summer to the Northern .So i hope by now you have figured out that i am a girl form the South no not South like USA people refer to the Real South the Southern part of the world, that means that my framework for summer is from September during Spring until April and that May to August is Winter, just that back ground for those who did not paid attention in gr.3
My first Summer in the middle of the year was in 2006 in Washington Dc, USA
and now this one nr.2 have been in London,UK and here on the island of Guernsey
so its been the Summer of 6 and 9 and not like Bryan Adams song of '69 i mean my Ma and Dad haven't even met in 1969
Having these two summer's in the middle of year have been my Best May(9) and Best July(6) of my LIFE so far, yes so far because Yet is still to come!
and i can most allot of picture to confirm the time of my life.....
but if you are someone like me that have always wanted to Travel the Whole World then being in USA and London pretty just makes this whole experience more awesome.taking about spicing it up!
so here fellow just the High lights of this July '9
1th: this is what i made my facebook states:"Goeie bliksem dis warm hier, i am red in the face"
2th: My Grandmother go Facebook
3th: Cycling for the first time in 2 and half years with Taryn and Jason Cole(the SA-English kids)i Au pair
4th: me and Mary my new friend at my new job who was born in Venezuela but rise in Madeira go out hit the dance floor for the first time together
5th:Wimbledon Men Finale's Federer Win's!!
6th: i wake to COBObay even thou the wind blows hectic i just sit there and watch and embrace the first WAVES on Guernsey
8th:Jason is making me a Wii pro
9th:dinner out
10th:am living the dream...its stress free sorg vry epic free and taking it easy i am on a working holiday visum and have a view to the ocean form a island
11th: i go with my Latvian friend to go work at this wedding and it end up being this Africa wedding not the Afrikaanse Afrika Wedding which i am use to this is one form Zimbabwe and i meet this guy Johnny form Venezuela and this all is happening just on Guernsey...this is by the way My New Favourite Story of Guernsey
14th:first swim this year in a swimming pole and Jason Cole makes my Heart Smile the way he says "JA" all the time! i am getting paid having fun
15th:Dis you know that Sweden wants to buy Latvia...o the joy of being part of the Latvia Mafia
16th:Thursday Ice-cream day with Mary...the Night united with my x-roommate of this year Amz
17th:Ja for my age i still can and take a afternoon nap in peace and its Lekker i enjoy it allot
20th:They Landed on the Moon 40years ago today...but i went for dinner at Mary with just Portuguese people and then we went to the Portuguese Pub there was this guy singing and everything the joke the people working there are form Latvia!and we hit the Dance floor of Follies
21th: "VIS" in Latvia means everything and in Afrikaans it means Fish...haha
22th:went out to Follies but the DJ and people just piss me off cant play music and cant dance...but i met the Latvian guy Martin who i have always thought not to bad...
23th:Johnny Mr.Venezuela
24th:Harbour Carnival with my South-African friend
25th:Best first date(sounds so american) ever aka Shopping with a guy(johnny)
27th:That it people i am Moving to Venezuela because so that my kids can have my Awesome surname nl:MILNE one day because Yes in Venezuela you get your Mothers surname,just for those who did not know!and finish watching the Movie "Into the wild"at last
28th:i SWAM for the 1st Time in this Channel/Atlantic/Ocean/sea on Guernsey(i did say i wanna do it)
30th: Amz x-roommate fair fell last night and we sow the Best Shooting Stars in my Life 13 Shooting Stars just Shooting
31th: Today Perfect to be on the beach and drink Creme soda And that's what i did so my 2e Swim in this Ocean/Atlantic/Channel/Sea
*this photo is proof of today 31 July 09
and i must say i do Prefer and like Summer in JuLY more then i would ever like it in the winter
July has been by Far also the best Month this Year Maybe because i have been on a Real Working Holiday visa and Living on Island Help for summer in july
and the view out of my room
and my Awesome Road trip Driving the Sandwich Van along side the Coast Looking at the island's of HERM and SHARK
is and had just Spice it up
i Love Summer in JULY
Summer of 6 and 9
My first Summer in the middle of the year was in 2006 in Washington Dc, USA
and now this one nr.2 have been in London,UK and here on the island of Guernsey
so its been the Summer of 6 and 9 and not like Bryan Adams song of '69 i mean my Ma and Dad haven't even met in 1969
Having these two summer's in the middle of year have been my Best May(9) and Best July(6) of my LIFE so far, yes so far because Yet is still to come!
and i can most allot of picture to confirm the time of my life.....
but if you are someone like me that have always wanted to Travel the Whole World then being in USA and London pretty just makes this whole experience more awesome.taking about spicing it up!
so here fellow just the High lights of this July '9
1th: this is what i made my facebook states:"Goeie bliksem dis warm hier, i am red in the face"
2th: My Grandmother go Facebook
3th: Cycling for the first time in 2 and half years with Taryn and Jason Cole(the SA-English kids)i Au pair
4th: me and Mary my new friend at my new job who was born in Venezuela but rise in Madeira go out hit the dance floor for the first time together
5th:Wimbledon Men Finale's Federer Win's!!
6th: i wake to COBObay even thou the wind blows hectic i just sit there and watch and embrace the first WAVES on Guernsey
8th:Jason is making me a Wii pro
9th:dinner out
10th:am living the dream...its stress free sorg vry epic free and taking it easy i am on a working holiday visum and have a view to the ocean form a island
11th: i go with my Latvian friend to go work at this wedding and it end up being this Africa wedding not the Afrikaanse Afrika Wedding which i am use to this is one form Zimbabwe and i meet this guy Johnny form Venezuela and this all is happening just on Guernsey...this is by the way My New Favourite Story of Guernsey
14th:first swim this year in a swimming pole and Jason Cole makes my Heart Smile the way he says "JA" all the time! i am getting paid having fun
15th:Dis you know that Sweden wants to buy Latvia...o the joy of being part of the Latvia Mafia
16th:Thursday Ice-cream day with Mary...the Night united with my x-roommate of this year Amz
17th:Ja for my age i still can and take a afternoon nap in peace and its Lekker i enjoy it allot
20th:They Landed on the Moon 40years ago today...but i went for dinner at Mary with just Portuguese people and then we went to the Portuguese Pub there was this guy singing and everything the joke the people working there are form Latvia!and we hit the Dance floor of Follies
21th: "VIS" in Latvia means everything and in Afrikaans it means Fish...haha
22th:went out to Follies but the DJ and people just piss me off cant play music and cant dance...but i met the Latvian guy Martin who i have always thought not to bad...
23th:Johnny Mr.Venezuela
24th:Harbour Carnival with my South-African friend
25th:Best first date(sounds so american) ever aka Shopping with a guy(johnny)
27th:That it people i am Moving to Venezuela because so that my kids can have my Awesome surname nl:MILNE one day because Yes in Venezuela you get your Mothers surname,just for those who did not know!and finish watching the Movie "Into the wild"at last
28th:i SWAM for the 1st Time in this Channel/Atlantic/Ocean/sea on Guernsey(i did say i wanna do it)
30th: Amz x-roommate fair fell last night and we sow the Best Shooting Stars in my Life 13 Shooting Stars just Shooting
31th: Today Perfect to be on the beach and drink Creme soda And that's what i did so my 2e Swim in this Ocean/Atlantic/Channel/Sea
*this photo is proof of today 31 July 09
and i must say i do Prefer and like Summer in JuLY more then i would ever like it in the winter
July has been by Far also the best Month this Year Maybe because i have been on a Real Working Holiday visa and Living on Island Help for summer in july
and the view out of my room
and my Awesome Road trip Driving the Sandwich Van along side the Coast Looking at the island's of HERM and SHARK
is and had just Spice it up
i Love Summer in JULY
Summer of 6 and 9
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hoop is n Bitch
Hoop is n Bitch
want as dit werklik was wat almal se dit is,en dat ons dit kort,dan het ons dit gevind vandag!
want ons Almal hou daar aan vas
en jy sien niks ooit gebeur nie...
jou Lee Verlange oe wil nie glo nie
en almal hou aan jou vertel
dat dit is wat sy is
maar totdat jy nie rerig voor haar staan nie
en Sy jou Hart punt
in n Miljoen onopgeloste sandKorretjies
Sal jy nooit weet dat Hoop maar net
eintlik n Bitch is;
Sy rugsteek vir jou
Verdraai jou woorde
is net Nice wanneer dit haar pas
Smile Fake na jou kant toe
en sy gee jou net Vals Hoop
Mag die werklikheid jou tref
en jy hoop kan sien vir wat dit regtig is
Geen hoop nie net die VasHou aan dit wat Nooit kan gebeur nie!
- 30 Junie 2009-
want as dit werklik was wat almal se dit is,en dat ons dit kort,dan het ons dit gevind vandag!
want ons Almal hou daar aan vas
en jy sien niks ooit gebeur nie...
jou Lee Verlange oe wil nie glo nie
en almal hou aan jou vertel
dat dit is wat sy is
maar totdat jy nie rerig voor haar staan nie
en Sy jou Hart punt
in n Miljoen onopgeloste sandKorretjies
Sal jy nooit weet dat Hoop maar net
eintlik n Bitch is;
Sy rugsteek vir jou
Verdraai jou woorde
is net Nice wanneer dit haar pas
Smile Fake na jou kant toe
en sy gee jou net Vals Hoop
Mag die werklikheid jou tref
en jy hoop kan sien vir wat dit regtig is
Geen hoop nie net die VasHou aan dit wat Nooit kan gebeur nie!
- 30 Junie 2009-
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Dis iets tussen My en Jou
n Ewige boodskap van tyd.
Bewaar dit
dit bepaal die gebeure.
Dis Alles in jou hande:
Hou jy hom vas
Bewaar jy hom
Jou Alles is opgeskryf binne in hom
Dit Alles is toe gesluit binne in jou
Ek hou dit hier binne my:
Die Mag
Die Krag
van Jou na My
Die Mag is in Jou hande:
ek kan daar mee maak,
Net Wat Ek Wil!!!
- 24 Maart 2006 -
n Ewige boodskap van tyd.
Bewaar dit
dit bepaal die gebeure.
Dis Alles in jou hande:
Hou jy hom vas
Bewaar jy hom
Jou Alles is opgeskryf binne in hom
Dit Alles is toe gesluit binne in jou
Ek hou dit hier binne my:
Die Mag
Die Krag
van Jou na My
Die Mag is in Jou hande:
ek kan daar mee maak,
Net Wat Ek Wil!!!
- 24 Maart 2006 -
As al die gebruis en geraas
op klaar hier binne in my
en die konflik op naam
genoem word:
Sou Jy weet waar jy met My staan
en ek met jou?
Sal ons stil, stil le op die bank vir nou
en As jou vrae, vrae vra
lysie skryf smeek en bid
na n groter openbaring as die feeling
sal jou konflik oor rigting kry?
en Al die woorde wat gedeel word, feelings wat gese word
net So Reg Voel!!
Sou jy weet dat jy dit wil het, met alles in my!?..
- 15 Februarie 2006-
op klaar hier binne in my
en die konflik op naam
genoem word:
Sou Jy weet waar jy met My staan
en ek met jou?
Sal ons stil, stil le op die bank vir nou
en As jou vrae, vrae vra
lysie skryf smeek en bid
na n groter openbaring as die feeling
sal jou konflik oor rigting kry?
en Al die woorde wat gedeel word, feelings wat gese word
net So Reg Voel!!
Sou jy weet dat jy dit wil het, met alles in my!?..
- 15 Februarie 2006-
ek wens ek het jou nooit ontmoet nie
Jou nooit raak geloop
in My vroee jeug jare
was ek maar net n introvert
wat sal ek Skryf ini Sand
wat sal ek weg steek in my Hart
wat sal my Smile nooit verneuk
Het ek maar my mond gehou
by Brooklyn en die Braai
was die bank dalk biki langer
en die pyn
korter van duur
- 18 Aug 2005-
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Jy bly n 24 uurse Vlug weg
woon seker n 10 000 mile noord
In die Sneeu-Halfrond
Die Native Land
nie in die Son punt
van die Indiese-Atlantise See
in Afrikaans nie
- 20 November 2006 -
Ek was bly toe ek hoor jy is terug van oorsee
Bly om jou weer te sien
en nou sit jy hier lans my
en jy is net jy en ek voel niks
Hoe voel mens niks...?!
Ek kyk in jou groot blou mooi oe
hoe jy dit mooi gemaak het
vir my
hoe jy jouself versier het
vir my
ek voel NiKS
ek kan dit nie verwoord nie
ma ek voel geen emosie nie!!!
Al vir n lang ruk
n jaar of so
oor hom wat trou
Jou en Al ons Ou vriende
"Ek gee om vir jou" dis hoekom ek wil weet
Jy sien dit beteken niks
vir my nie!
ek het geen emosie daar oor of teen
Ek is DOOD
Wat is dood?
is dit wat afsterf
in n boom
is dit jy wat nooit weer gaan terug
kom nie want jy lewe nie meer
of is dit ek
wat niks voel nie
Geen emosie het nie
Binne my isit leeg
in my kop
gedagtes en gesigte
As ek na jou kyk sien ek
soms niks
en dink
Dis asof jy verby my kyk
Jou lee kyke
wat dink jy? niks
Hoeveel keer soek mens
die probleem by MySelf:
is ek net nie Mooi nie, Hot of sexy
maar dalk is die hy emosioneel Dood
Ons vriendskap gan al vir soveel jaar aan
ma eintlik is dit al lank al Dood
Ja JY is Dood!
jy Voel niks meer
vir My nie
Niks, geen emosie nie
en jy gaan elke-dag, dag vir dag aan...
Moenie JouSelf Probeer Verduidelik nie!
Dis n Openbaring vir My!
deur al die jare
is jy dalk net nog hier
want jy weet nie hoe jy voel nie
-27 Oktober 2006-
met my terug keer van USA af n gesprek
its a BeautiFuL Line
- This is just one Chapter in my life but a story to all on the roadless travel for the rest of the world out there - 2 March 2009-
- Later Loop ek hom toe weer raak - wilma Okt 05-
- Ek is soo myself by hom,dit voel asof ek nooit eers myself was my n ander ou nie - Wilma Jan 006-
- n Mens se Prentjie verander -5.3.06-
- Hou Jy van die Persoon of hou jy van jou lysie??- 6 maart 2006-
- Brand die Lysie en Dans kaal om dit - 12 Feb 06-
- Tyd is Tydelik -18.3.2006-
- Sou jy my laat gaan,as jy my wou ken -24/3/06-
- Wil jy regtig samet iemand wees wat nie samet jou wil wees nie?- Christiaan by AARDKLOP 29 Sept 05-
- Its funny how things started out because they never finished the same - 9 Aug 06-
- My Life wouldn't have been my Life, without you -16 Aug 06 on the metro in DC at night Simon-
- Die Lewe het sy gaan gegaan - Aug 29 2006 -
- We never go to make music this summer...But we did we did - Dodge Oct 15 2006 -
- Ek Dink nie eers Hy het n hart nie -9 Mrt 007-
- How things can move both Fast and slow amazes me - Lauren B Aug 11 2006-
- This cannot be the end:We are only at the Begining of your Lives - Louise my English rose 7 Aug 06-
- Every moment spent with you is Cherished in my heart - 12 Aug 006 Amanda-
- Ja my Eyes, they never lie - Ryan Jersey boy 30 June 007-
- Ons moments maak Al vir my n Lewe op - 9/3/03-
- I wanted you, even before you were born - 29 Jan 008-
- I Love traveling to new places, Living with new people,and seeing how strangers en up like family
- Ek hou van jou oe nee wag ek hou van die manier hoe jy vir my kyk - Menlyn Park 31 Aug 2008-
- Your Voice nver Leave's me...- Oreo 19 May 2008-
- You make me Laugh and my Laugh is nothing and not as good without you being here next to me and laughing with me - Ryan Jersey boy Friday 26 June 2008-
- Learning and Moving Farward thats why we are her on earth for anything less is not worth it
- Maybe one day we will meet and talk and not just speak
- You made my life but i was only a chapter in your life - the Movie PS.i Love you 16 May 2006-
- IF we're all alone then we're in this together -the movie PS: i love you 16 May 2008-
- You are the bitter nice me - Guernsey 22 Jan 2009-
- I think i lost it all along the way - 22 Feb 2009 Manny-
- Julle is die Seuns en Dogters van die Lewe se Verlange na Lewe!!- Oom Dave 20 Jan 006-
- Een vir Een Ry Hulle verby.en Ek bly Agterstaan -Sondag 12 April 2006-
- Al wat ek weet, as n Paaseier oud is sit hom in die son - Wilma April 05-
- Dis sad hoeweel samet een Mens Dood Gaan!-June 2005-
- Klim van jou troon af, en kom vry my!- Janina June 05-
ek Wag voor die stasie se deur vir
die wyser om oor te slaan
ek Wag na Eksamen met penne in my hand
vir jou sms...en dan
Wag ek weer vir n reaksie op my sms
ek Wag vir my Lift om my iewers heen te neem te vat
Ek Wag...
Ek Sit...
Ek Staan...
Ek SLaap...
ek Wag vir jou om met my te praat
ek Wag vir n hand druk, n drukkie of even n soen
ek Wag dat dit van jou kant af kom...
ek Wag vir n Beter Tyd, n Beter Situasie,
n Beter Plek, n Beter Tyd, n Beter JY?
of even dalk miskien n Beter ek!
- 7 Maart 2005-
Jammer dat ek nie Jammer se nie,
dis te veel al gese sonder Meaning!
Jammer dat ek dit nie bedoel het nie
Ek doen goed sonder denke
Dis Jammer dat jy soo aan gaan met Jul
Verhouding asof niks eers gebeur het nie...
Dis Jammer hoe Jy My seer maak met
jou Lee woorde
Waarom Vergewe jy my as jy woede,angs
en selfs Haat in jou hart rond draai?
!MOENIE dit doen uit Geestelike plig nie!
dit word veras in jou eie dade...
Self ek moet jou vergewe, maar die dade
se issues is nog nie opgelos nie...
of Like jy dit so onopgelos?
Geen Reality Check nie!
Net die illusie van jou verhouding
So jammer as ek nie Jammer se nie!
Ek wil dit eers bedoel en ook even uit Leef!!
- 4 Maart 2005-
dis te veel al gese sonder Meaning!
Jammer dat ek dit nie bedoel het nie
Ek doen goed sonder denke
Dis Jammer dat jy soo aan gaan met Jul
Verhouding asof niks eers gebeur het nie...
Dis Jammer hoe Jy My seer maak met
jou Lee woorde
Waarom Vergewe jy my as jy woede,angs
en selfs Haat in jou hart rond draai?
!MOENIE dit doen uit Geestelike plig nie!
dit word veras in jou eie dade...
Self ek moet jou vergewe, maar die dade
se issues is nog nie opgelos nie...
of Like jy dit so onopgelos?
Geen Reality Check nie!
Net die illusie van jou verhouding
So jammer as ek nie Jammer se nie!
Ek wil dit eers bedoel en ook even uit Leef!!
- 4 Maart 2005-
Vlaktes,heuwels uitgespreide Velde
Een Windpop wat waai teen die wind
Telefoondrade verbind my aan jou
Iewers in die verte, n wolk kolom
Ver, ver uitgesprei sien ek die Kalahari veld
Binne in my verlang ek die kind
Na die ou binne in jou
Iewers in die verte, hoor ek kinders wat aan kom
Stof,sand en katte hare te veel vir nou
Hoofpyn,moeghied oorweldig my
Dis iets tussen my en jou
skielik is die stilte om
Troke,motors durf die pad aan
Onder breukings verander my uitsig
Ek beleef dit als sonder jou
iewers in die verte gaan die Lewe aan...
- 4 Maart 2005-
die eerste keer wat ek Letterlik sit en skryf wat ek voor my sit
Een Windpop wat waai teen die wind
Telefoondrade verbind my aan jou
Iewers in die verte, n wolk kolom
Ver, ver uitgesprei sien ek die Kalahari veld
Binne in my verlang ek die kind
Na die ou binne in jou
Iewers in die verte, hoor ek kinders wat aan kom
Stof,sand en katte hare te veel vir nou
Hoofpyn,moeghied oorweldig my
Dis iets tussen my en jou
skielik is die stilte om
Troke,motors durf die pad aan
Onder breukings verander my uitsig
Ek beleef dit als sonder jou
iewers in die verte gaan die Lewe aan...
- 4 Maart 2005-
die eerste keer wat ek Letterlik sit en skryf wat ek voor my sit
Jy Staan net altyd daar met jou Lee-Lose-Uitdrukking op jou gesig
Jy Bla Praat oneindelose woorde met Hulle en Hom
maar by my is jou woorde niks
is jy
Hoe Kan een Mens wat van Chat hou wat aandag like en Lag Smaak
My net issues gee met jou dade
soveel kere van tevore
Jou Stilstuipe gaan My nog MAL maak
Die Stilte Tussen ons Word net Groter en Groter
Die Stilte is nou vir my een mal net te ERG
Die Tyd Faktor was Nog ALTYD n isssues tussen ons
Elkekeer moet dit ons eers op n Pad van Stilte bring
Die tyd tussen Ons het My ingehaal
-April 2004-
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Turning Back the Clock
Did you know Guernsey is close to JERSEY the island not the state in the USA nor the movie with Ben Affleck nor a Jersey that you wear like Craig said to me:"the jersey that matches your nails"
Last week we turn the Clock one hour back and its the first time in my Life that i did it part of "day light savings"
and it is Crazy what it has done to the Sun who is now setting at 8pm not 4pm like when i arrived back in December in the UK ok i am not now in the UK but in the Norther Hampshire
so the days are getting more sunlight and longer
i really now understand why the WORLD refer to the RSA as the Sunny SA because we do have a overload of sun!!!to much sometimes a specially with a European Skin in a Africa-Sun Country
but here on Guernsey the sun shines also allot
its nothing like a tropical island....NO
last week was the first time i was bare feet on the sand and walk up to my knees in the cold still water....
it sometimes does not feel like i am living at the ocean:
you don't Smell the ocean here nor Hear it or see Waves break or just Waves in general
just an Awesome view form my work!
ja its been 4 months since i left the RSA
and November feels like a eternity away and gone
i have made friends here with people who is also from RSA(south Africa for those we don't know)
and its funny because i always said its stupid when people go to London and all they do is end up being friends with a SA people
but know i Understand!!!
its amazing how Going Aboard:
Living and Traveling always change people
as i am changing form the inside out
Thursday, February 19, 2009
ek glo Mense moet in My en in n Mens se lewe wees want:
Hulle VerRyk Jou Lewe en Jy VerRyk Hulle Lewe!!!
Hulle VerRyk Jou Lewe en Jy VerRyk Hulle Lewe!!!
Jy het My Kom Verryk
in my Hoostad in gedans
met jou oe dwarsdeur my kom kyk
en my Lewe kom Vernuwe
My Laat Lag
nadat ek die 3mees emosionele dae gehad het
my wakker gemaak
en my snaags laat lekker slaap
my Laat Voel soos net die Feel good Feeling van n Movie kan doen
Jou soene Laat my brein ontplof van geluk
Ja JY het My Lewe Kom VERRYK
~30 September 2008~
die gedig het ek namens n ou geskryf, want ek weet nie almal is goed daar meer om hulle gevoelens wat hulle oor iemand voel in woorde te beskryf nie, en ek weet dis hoe hy oor my gevoel het.
maar hoe dit ook al sy
Jy het My Kom Verryk
in my Hoostad in gedans
met jou oe dwarsdeur my kom kyk
en my Lewe kom Vernuwe
My Laat Lag
nadat ek die 3mees emosionele dae gehad het
my wakker gemaak
en my snaags laat lekker slaap
my Laat Voel soos net die Feel good Feeling van n Movie kan doen
Jou soene Laat my brein ontplof van geluk
Ja JY het My Lewe Kom VERRYK
~30 September 2008~
die gedig het ek namens n ou geskryf, want ek weet nie almal is goed daar meer om hulle gevoelens wat hulle oor iemand voel in woorde te beskryf nie, en ek weet dis hoe hy oor my gevoel het.
maar hoe dit ook al sy
a BeautiFuL Line,
What i Know ForSure
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
No Woman is an island...but i am Living on a island
in away voel dit glad nie of ek bly op n eiland nie,want ek loop better min dalk op n Sondag Aand lans die See op die Strand,maar was nog net eenkeer Kaalvoet in die ys koue water in,maar as ek werk in die dag sien ek wel die See
of as ek Down Town to go sien ek die see en n kasteel met die Naam: Cornet daar by,met n hawe en baie klein en groot en soms duur Seiljagte
maar nie te min omtrent orals waar mens loop kan mens die see omtrent sien
die See is Plat en Stil Geen Kaapse winde wat hom op roep nie
wat wel lyk soos kaapse berge is maar net Nog n eiland,wat vasgeanker is tussen die see
en elkedag lyk dit anders die see en my uitsig oor die ander eiland
om net vir jou die Prentjie te skep met woorde wat ek sien
wat ek hier beleef is wel n ander storie....
what die Saying:"NO MAN IS AN ISLAND" really missed,left out or just forgot to mention or say it as well is that "NO WOMEN IS AN ISLAND"
we the Humans Race We were made for others Humans
We need to have Good Company
Good Conversations
Someone to share this View with, the beautiful colours of the ocean while shopping in High Street or having a Hot Chocolate in a small Cafe while looking out side the window and all you see is the ocean, and you really feel you are now living in Europa,though its February and the Weather is Beautiful.
Clear open Blue Sky,a open clear ocean and here and there a Cloud and No Wind
and the Locals keep on telling you to wait for the "summer"
No way, i am going to Enjoy this,this what i have right now!
and if you would ask like everyone wants to know:"how long will i be in Guernsey"
the Answers is simple as this:"i am just riding the wave...though this Ocean has no waves"
The Reality is that i am living on an ISLAND...But i am not a ISLAND
of as ek Down Town to go sien ek die see en n kasteel met die Naam: Cornet daar by,met n hawe en baie klein en groot en soms duur Seiljagte
maar nie te min omtrent orals waar mens loop kan mens die see omtrent sien
die See is Plat en Stil Geen Kaapse winde wat hom op roep nie
wat wel lyk soos kaapse berge is maar net Nog n eiland,wat vasgeanker is tussen die see
en elkedag lyk dit anders die see en my uitsig oor die ander eiland
om net vir jou die Prentjie te skep met woorde wat ek sien
wat ek hier beleef is wel n ander storie....
what die Saying:"NO MAN IS AN ISLAND" really missed,left out or just forgot to mention or say it as well is that "NO WOMEN IS AN ISLAND"
we the Humans Race We were made for others Humans
We need to have Good Company
Good Conversations
Someone to share this View with, the beautiful colours of the ocean while shopping in High Street or having a Hot Chocolate in a small Cafe while looking out side the window and all you see is the ocean, and you really feel you are now living in Europa,though its February and the Weather is Beautiful.
Clear open Blue Sky,a open clear ocean and here and there a Cloud and No Wind
and the Locals keep on telling you to wait for the "summer"
No way, i am going to Enjoy this,this what i have right now!
and if you would ask like everyone wants to know:"how long will i be in Guernsey"
the Answers is simple as this:"i am just riding the wave...though this Ocean has no waves"
The Reality is that i am living on an ISLAND...But i am not a ISLAND
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Mine To Share
i have to start out by referring back to my previous post that was also the last post i did last year:2000andGR8
and that's my point like i wrote i give every year a name so as expected of me i did give this year a name: i called is 2000andMine and said to everyone"may your year be Fine"i got some great friends and family that knows about me and my naming the years.
So before long emails was coming in asking me what "THIS YEAR name will be"
same even gave same suggestions like 2000andWine and Shine
i started of this Year in a Cold Old City of Edinburgh doing the Hogmanay thing
then i lived travel for 2 weeks the Famous Roads of LONDON because:" All Roads Leads To London" one of my sayings my by the way
and by day 21 i was in Scotland England and standing on the Island of Guernsey
and as the days have on fold in the first month
i was surrounded by people like most of us are
but these people i think don't even hear then self because all i heard out of their months was "i" "i don't like watching TV" "i don't eat Pizza"....
and it force me to look in myself.....
and i Decided that this year i Don't want it to Be 2000andMine
yes Mine Rhymes with Nine that's how the name came to me...but i don't want it to be All by My lonely self...
I rather want this YEAR this Last Year of 2000 and One anther Number to be a Year That will be Filled with Everything these Precious Year as Given Offered in rich My Life and Story with!
if you Look close you can see Almost all the Numbers in it and if it is Filled with a little bit of Every Year it wont be bad Year at All:
just the back of a 9 makes a 1=2001 Last Year of High School Turning Legal and the Best Year of 12 years of School, what a year Filled with Highs,Laughter's,Love,Exams and Memories that is lasting me a life time!!it was a Really Very Special year and time in my Life a lot of Good friends was made that Year
9 taking a part 2=2002 First Year as an Student and it was My Best Year!i was Working Hard.Doing Voice everyday at 6pm had Really Long Thick Black Hair, but i was to hard on myself....and i never again will do that to my self Having So many Rules on what and When and How things should be Done....i still have to remind myself To Have More Fun!!!i Met a Seton person that has influence the story of my life for long time...
9 turn around give me a 6=2006 the Best year of my Life!!!
i know and Believe that Every Year i do and Will Learn a lot but that YEAR stands out above the rest
i lived in USA that year!
i Learned: its not How you started something out Something nor how you finish it its what happens in between...
if something isn't relevant it doesn't matter
going to USA and Living there was one of my Dreams that come true
Today i Know Dreams not ALL but Some Come TRUE!Like the Traveling Dreams
Start Spreading the News i am Leaving today: New York New York
New York is my Favourite City there is nothing like it
and every movie i have seen after i have been there felt more real then ever before
i learned i can work and be Focus driven and don't let anything come in my way to where i am on my way to
i went to America not knowing anyone and i end up know the WORLD...i am not saying America is the World ooo NO way i met friends form around the WORLD
met my SouLMate
Met one of my Favourite People in the world
i had Summer 3 Times that Year in the Beginning in the middle and by December once again....
talking about the SUMMER of 06 even Bryan Adams song has a Whole New Meaning
but above all i Learned: That i am a Strong!
and no one will ever be able to take that away form ME
i look back and think=Good Times and Memories That is Lasting Me a LifeTime!!!
make 7 bow down and you will see 9 2007=007
yeah Double O 7 baby
didn't turn out to be all as awesome as the bond movie with Daniel Craig in but it was Good
and today i can say i have lived in the year 007 with a smile on my face
8 cut in half will give you 9 2008=it was the really the year 2000andGR8
you see form 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 and 3 to 4 and 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 and 7 and 7 to 8 and now living in 9
i look back and not in Anger and even thou i Decided in 2000 that i don't want to Live with any Regrets...and i DO and i will probably always have some form of regrets on a thing here and someone there
but i Look back and what i see is:That
i have grown yes in age and hair colour but Grown As A Human Been
Grown so that i can be come A Better Person
Become the Person i was Meant to be
Every Year even my Worst year 2005 that i never wanna have over again had:
Happy Days
days that i Laughed so Loud in it and Sang so proud in it and danced under the full moon with it
or talked to someone as if there is no tomorrow
found something or someone Crazy/Beautifulfilled with Tears to my heart
and made me sick to my stomach
or fell in love that i was nauseous
i have Lived in it and through it and it has Shape and Moved Me
and its All Now part of the story of my life
So YES 2000andEverything will Be Filled with:Shine and Wine Will Be Fine and will Be MINE to have and to fill and to Share!!!
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