Tuesday, September 30, 2008


so what happens to a creative person if they work in a task orientated work that is filled Billable Hours and Record Keeping???
You end up writing songs and making moves to an old song with new Meaning and Feeling:

" Old McDonald Had Farm E-E-I-A
and on the Farm there was a Craig
with a Little Bit of This (do the hair move)
and a Little Bit of That (yeah yeah)
and We end up with a B.i.D....
Old McDonald Had A Farm E-E-I-A"
so for those who do not know what EIA stands for its: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT

this year i have been part of the Public Participation Team for the Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) for the New Proposed Transnet Petrol Pipeline(RSA)....well most of the time....there is other project as well...of course but the New Petrol Pipeline got me here....and is the reason...why i am still here at www.golder.com

the way you do the moves to songs like: Y-M-C-A
Changes to Y-E-I-A

you see everything Change Because With A Little Bit of THIS and a Little Bit of That you end up with a BackGround Information Document B.I.D

and you hear things different...the radio news about LonminMine who is being bought over by Xstrata Mine is not that Random anymore...in fact you know people working at Xstrata Mine because you are working on one of their projects


Monday, September 29, 2008


There is SoMeTHing about MuSiC That Relates to My SOUL Like Nothing Else Can!!!

it speaks TO and OF every STAGE/VASE i have ever Been or maybe Will be...
it tells the story of my life in so many ways like i was never able to say it out loud!
to speak for myself
and to live it out loud like dreaming out loud

it can put me in a MOOD like no one else can

it can make me DANCE like a true star*

it makes me SiNG everyday :-)

it Makes Me WANA Become the Person i was meant to be

it makes me wana go New PLACE'S and meet New People who will become like Family

it makes me wana Make MEMORIES that Will Last Me a LiFeTiMe

it makes me wana WRiTE more and more

it makes me wana LOVE regardless of the Asshole All men Are

it makes me Know that there is HOPE

it makes me Wane experience more and more of every kind of Emotions and Feelings


It Really Really Makes me Wana Be Alive!!!!!

MuSiC is sooo PART of ME that it is ME and Its The: Song Of My Life

and i am singing it OUT LOUD!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

if and when

.... When Someone Shows You WHO THEY REALLY ARE.....BELIEVE THEM!!!